July 26-27 || Kodi Crone || Metīs

Metîs reflects the harmonic series in bone, bark and the bardo. Concluding a triptych built on her sisters PALLAS and Medusa, Metìs is an interactive, immersive installation offering intermittent performances. Riding the waves, Metìs explores sound and vision in the active art of deep listening, and invites bodily transmissions in a sea of dreams.

Reserve your ticket here, sliding scale $8-$25 ~ no one turned away for lack of funds.
Tickets are required, so please RSVP.
Donations greatly appreciated.

July 26-27
Friday-Saturday 8-10pm
Performance Works NW
4625 SE 67th Ave.
|| Portland 97206


Kodi Crone aka Miri Sluis is an installation artist, sound explorer, creative technologist and published author with a demonstrated commitment to consciousness expansion. Their work investigates the intersection between sound, emerging technologies, divination, sacred esoteric knowledge, and performance.

One response to “July 26-27 || Kodi Crone || Metīs”

  1. 2024 | Summer Events – Performance Works NW ||Linda Austin Dance Avatar

    […] July 26-27 || 8-10pmMetîs reflects the harmonic series in bone, bark and the bardo. Metìs is an interactive, immersive installation offering intermittent performancesFULL EVENT INFO […]

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